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Healthy children don’t grow on trees and most of us are not trained to discover the deeply subconscious issues that can plague children in the jungle called life. My Life Rulz is a surefire way to identify problematic thinking in children and teens, and provide the powerful insights and truth to help train them out of trouble and into strong, resilient futures.

My Life Rulz tools for resilient children and teens

We are resourcing parents, carers, counsellors, schools, churches, chaplains and anyone else in relationship with children because we are:

  1. Concerned for the emotional well being of children and the adults in their lives.

  2. Disturbed by the rise of anxiety, depression, confusion, harm and hopelessness in young people today.

  3. Here to help you with teaching and tools that are easy to use and easy to access.

  4. Confident our resources will invoke the valuable discussions needed to discover what is really happening in the mind and life of the child.

  5. Confident these tools can and do work when the truth coaches (insights) are committed to memory.

How does it work?

Learn why the My Life Rulz tools and resources work for young people and how you can easily use them with this 15 minute video.

Who is it for?

There is a tool developed for every age and stage from two years to young adulthood. Parents can access tools to start using today.​​

Resources for Schools and Churches

Schools and churches have custom-designed programs for each level of schooling. Find out about our school resources here.

Learn more on our YouTube Channel

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Discover quality free training on My Life Rulz on our YouTube Channel,

or check out our free Resources on the store page.

Some of our best-selling resources are showcased below, or explore them all in our store.

Listen to our My Life Rulz tracks below that are for children from birth to 10 years old.

Get our 11 songs FREE on SPOTIFY 

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